Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Let X be a Banach space and let (I,\Omega ,\mu) be a measure space. For 1 \leq p < \infty, let L^p(I,X) denote the space of Bochner p-integrable functions defined on I with values in X. The object of this paper is to give sufficient conditions for the proximinality of L^1(I,H)+L^1(I,G) in L^1(I,X), where H and G are two proximinal subspaces of X which include as a special case the proximality of L^1(I) \stackrel{\wedge}{\otimes} G + H \stackrel{\wedge}{\otimes} L^1(I) in L^1(I \times I).
Proximinal, Banach spaces
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AL-SHARIF, SHARIFA and KHALIL, R. (2008) "Proximinality in L^1(I,X)," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 32: No. 2, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol32/iss2/5