Turkish Journal of Mathematics
In this paper we define a diagonal lift ^{D}g of Riemannian metric g of manifold M_n to the tangent bundle of order two denoted by T^{2}M_n of M_n, we associate to ^{D}g its Levi-civita connection of T^2 M and we investigate applications of the diagonal lifts in the killing vectors and geodesics.
Tangent bundle of order two, Riemannian metric, Diagonal lift, Levi-civita connection, Killing vector field, Geodesic
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HATHOUT, FOUZI and DIDA, H. M. (2006) "Diagonal Lift in the Tangent Bundle of Order Two and its Applications," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 30: No. 4, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol30/iss4/3