Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Let G be an arbitrary group with identity e, and let R be a G-graded commutative ring. Weakly prime ideals in a commutative ring with non-zero identity have been introduced and studied in [1]. Here we study the graded weakly prime ideals of a G-graded commutative ring. A number of results concerning graded weakly prime ideals are given. For example, we give some characterizations of graded weakly prime ideals and their homogeneous components.
Graded rings, Graded weakly prime ideals
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ATANI, SHAHABADDIN EBRAHIMI (2006) "On Graded Weakly Prime Ideals," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 30: No. 4, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol30/iss4/1