Turkish Journal of Mathematics
An infinite group with the weak wide commensurable property is shown to be abelian, provided that it is locally finite or locally graded or non-perfect or linear. We also investigate the properties of infinite non-abelian groups with the weak wide commensurable property. Moreover, we describe completely the structure of infinite locally finite groups whose p-subgroups have the weak wide commensurable property. (AMS MSC: 20F50, 20E34).
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BERKMAN, AYŞE; KUZUCUOĞLU, MAHMUT; and ÖZYURT, ERDAL (2005) "On Groups with the Weak Wide Commensurable Property," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 29: No. 4, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol29/iss4/6