Turkish Journal of Mathematics
In this paper we describe the group structure of power subgroups \Gamma^m of the extended modular group \Gamma and the quotients to them. Then we give some relations between the power subgroups \Gamma^m, the commutator subgroups \Gamma^{\prime} and \Gamma^{\prime \prime} and also the information of interest about free normal subgroups of the extended modular group \Gamma.
Extended Modular Group, Power Subgroup, Commutator Subgroup, Free Subgroup
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ŞAHİN, RECEP; İKİKARDEŞ, SEBAHATTİN; and KORUOĞLU, ÖZDEN (2004) "On the Power Subgroups of the Extended Modular Group \Gamma," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 28: No. 2, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol28/iss2/5