Turkish Journal of Mathematics
In this paper, we study certain classes of oscillatory singular integral operators with kernels in Llog L(S^{n-1}) which is known to be the most desirable size condition for the L^{p} boundedness to hold. We prove that such operators are bounded on L^{p}. Our results extend and improve previously known results. Variations of our approach in this paper can be applied to handle more general oscillatory singular integral operators. This concludes by indicating a variety of results that can be obtained.
Oscillatory singular integral operators, Rough kernels, L^{p} estimates, Hardy Littlewood maximal function
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AL-SALMAN, AHMAD and AL-JARRAH, ALI A. (2003) "Rough Oscillatory Singular Integral Operators-II," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 27: No. 4, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol27/iss4/8