Turkish Journal of Mathematics
We gived the intrinsic equations for a relaxed elastic line on an oriented surface in ${\Bbb {R}}_1^3$ ([1],[2]). In this paper, we derived the intrinsic equations for a relaxed elastic line on an oriented time-like hypersurface and space-like hypersurface in the Minkowski space ${\Bbb {R}}_1^n$ and gived additional results about relaxed elastic lines on various timelike and spacelike hypersurface in the Minkowski space ${\Bbb {R}}_1^n$.
Elastic line, Minkowski space.
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GÜRBÜZ, NEVİN and GÖRGÜLÜ, ALİ (2000) "Intrinsic Equations for a Relaxed Elastic Line on an Oriented Hypersurface in the Minkowski Space R^n_1," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 24: No. 3, Article 9. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol24/iss3/9