Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Let R be a prime ring of characteristic 3, \sigma and \tau automorphisms of R, U a non zero ( \sigma, \tau) - Lie ideal of R, d a nonzero derivation of R such that \sigmad = d\sigma , \taud = d\tau,d(U) (bak) U, and d^2(U) (bak) Z, the center of R. Then we prove that U (bak) Z. This provides a proof of the Theorem in [4], when char R = 3.
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KAYA, Arif (1997) "On a Generalisation of Lie Ideals in Prime Rings," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 21: No. 3, Article 4. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol21/iss3/4