Turkish Journal of Mathematics
In this study the inequality of Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev type are established for non-isotropic generalized Riesz potential depending on \lambda -distance. In this paper we establish analogues of the well known Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality (see[3]) for Riesz potentials with non-isotropic kernel depended on \lambda distance. Note that different problems for convolution type integrals with kernels, depending on \lambda-distance were considered in [1] and [2].
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ÇINAR, İnan (1997) "The Hardy -Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality for Non-Isotropic Riesz Potentials," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 21: No. 2, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol21/iss2/3