Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Let \hat{Z} denote the inverse limit of finite cyclic groups and F_gZ the group where $F$ is a vector space over Q and + is defined by (a, x)+(b, y)=(a+b, x+y+g(a,b)) for some g: F\times F\rightarrow Z. In this paper we show that any nonstandard model Z^{\star} of Z is isomorphic to F_{\beta}Z for some \beta: F\rightarrow \hat{Z} where F=Z^{\star}/Z.
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GENCER, Ç. and TERZİLER, M. (1996) "ON THE ADDITIVE GROUP STRUCTURE OF NONSTANDARD MODELS OF Z," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 20: No. 2, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol20/iss2/6