
Turkish Journal of Chemistry


The rise in the popularity of electric vehicles and portable devices has boosted the demand for rechargeable batteries, withlithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries favored for their superior energy and power density. However, supply strains and sustainability issues aredriving the search for alternatives. Postlithium technologies, particularly sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries, are gaining attention for theirpromising potential and similarity to Li-ion technology. While efforts are still needed to enhance the energy and power density as wellas the cycle life of Na-ion batteries to replace Li-ion batteries, these energy storage devices present significant advantages in terms ofsustainability, theoretical capacity, and intrinsic safety features. Through this paper, the current state of Na-ion batteries, focusing onkey components such as anodes, electrolytes, cathodes, binders, separators, and current collectors, has been critically assessed. Recentadvancements, challenges, future directions, and new materials engineering strategies for improving electrochemical performanceare also discussed. Overall, this review offers a comprehensive analysis of the development of high-performance, cost-effective, andsustainable energy storage systems.

Author ORCID Identifier

GAMZENUR ÖZSİN: 0000-0001-5091-5485




Sodium-ion battery, electrochemical energy storage, battery, electrode materials, electrolyte

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