
Turkish Journal of Chemistry


Platinum (Pt) loaded activated carbons (ACs) were synthesized by the thermal decomposition of platinum (II) acetylacetonate (Pt(acac)2) over chemically activated glucose-based biochar. The effect of Pt loading on surface area, pore characteristics, surface chemistry, chemical structure, and surface morphology were determined by various techniques. XPS studies proved the presence of metallic Pt0 on the AC surface. The graphitization degree of Pt loaded ACs were increased with the loaded Pt0 amount. The electrochemical performance of the Pt-loaded ACs (Pt@AC) was determined not only by the conventional three-electrode system but also by packaged supercapacitors in CR2032 casings. The capacitive performance of Pt@AC electrodes was investigated via cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge curves (GCD), and impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It was found that the Pt loading increased the specific capacitance from 51 F/g to 100 F/g. The ESR drop of the packaged cell decreased with the Pt loading due to the fast flow of charge through the conductive pathways. The results showed that the surface chemistry is more dominant than the surface area for determining the capacitive performance of Pt loaded AC-based packaged supercapacitors.




Activated carbon, packaged supercapacitors, Pt modified activated carbons, characteristics of metal-activated carbon composites

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