
Turkish Journal of Chemistry


In this study, silver nanoparticle (AgNP) synthesis was carried out using Onosma sericeum Willd. aqueous extract for the first time, with a simple, economical, and green method without the need for any other organic solvent or external reducing or stabilizing agent. A variety of AgNPs, all of different particle sizes, were synthesized by controlling the silver ion concentration, extract volume, temperature, and pH. It was determined that the optimum conditions for AgNP synthesis were 1 mM AgNO3, pH 8, 25 °C, 20 g/200 mL extract, silver nitrate, and extract ratio 5:1 (v/v). The AgNPs were defined using UV-Vis spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The particle size distribution and zeta potential measurements of the AgNPs were measured using the dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique. It was determined that the AgNPs with a particle size of less than 10 nm showed a higher catalytic effect in the reduction of 2-nitrobenzenamine. It was also found that these nanoparticles had a cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line depending on dosage and time. The resulting IC50 values were between 76.63 μg/mL and 169.77 μg/mL. Furthermore, the biosynthesized AgNPs showed effective antibacterial activity against the Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria. The results of the study showed that synthesized AgNPs can have a promising role in biomedical and nanobiotechnology applications.




Onosma sericeum Willd., green chemistry, silver nanoparticle, reduction, biological applications

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