
Turkish Journal of Chemistry


In many places around the world, the uoride concentration in ground water as raw water is higher than the threshold standard for healthy drinking water. The aim of this work is to study the characteristics of an anionic membrane that will be the subject of an application for de uoridation by electrodialysis. The first objective of this work is to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of the membrane used in experiments by determination of the exchange capacity, water uptake, ionic conductivity, and transport number (Hittorf method). The second part consists of studying the effect of different parameters such as electrodialysis time, supporting electrolyte concentration, coexisting ions (such as $SO^{2-}_4$, $NO^-_3$ and $Cl^-$) , current density, and the pH of the solution to evaluate the effectiveness of the electrodialysis de uoridation process. The high percentage of de uoridation obtained after treatment of industrial effluent (80.3%) re ects the good efficiency of the electrodialysis process.




Anionic membrane, de uoridation, electrodialysis, physicochemical characteristic, industrial effluent

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