Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Eight different chalcone-1,5-diketone derivatives (5a-h) were prepared by the reaction of chalcone derivatives (3a-h) with cyclohexanone under the solvent-free phase transfer catalyst condition with modarate to high yields. The mechanistic pathway of the reaction can be explained by the Michael-type addition of cyclohexanone to chalcone derivatives (3a-h).
Chalcones, 1, 5-Diketones, Solvent-free, Phase Transfer Catalyst, Michael Addition
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CEYLAN, MUSTAFA and GEZEGEN, HAYRETTİN (2008) "Preparation of 1,5-Diketones by Addition of Cyclohexanone to Chalcones under Solvent-free Phase Transfer Catalyst Condition," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 32: No. 1, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol32/iss1/6