Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The kinetics of oxidation of 1,3--butlene glycol (\beta - BG) by dihydroxyditelluto- argentate(III) were studied spectrophotometrically between 298.2 and 313.2 K in alkaline medium. The reaction rate showed pseudo-first order dependence in oxidant and fractional order in \ss-BG. The pseudo-first order rate constant k_{obs} increased with an increase in the concentration of OH^- and a decrease in the concentration of TeO_4^{2-} . There was a negative salt effect and no free radicals were detected. Thus, the dihydroxymonotelluratoargentate(III) species is assumed to be the active species. The activation parameters along with the rate constants of the rate-determining step were calculated.
Dihydroxyditellutoargentate(III), 1, 3--Butylene glycol, Redox reaction, Kinetics and mechanism
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SHAN, JIN-HUAN; HUO, SHU-YING; SHEN, SHI-GANG; and SUN, HAN-WEN (2006) "Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of 1,3--Butylene Glycol by Dihydroxyditellutoargentate(III) in Alkaline Medium," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 30: No. 1, Article 7. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol30/iss1/7