Turkish Journal of Chemistry
From the aerial parts of Phlomis integrifolia Hub.-Mor. (Lamiaceae) were isolated a neolignan glucoside, dehyrodiconiferyl alcohol-4-O-\beta -D-glucopyranoside (1), an ester flavone glycoside, chrysoeriol 7-O-(3''-O-trans-p-coumaroyl)-\beta -D-glucopyranoside (2), four phenylethanoid glycosides, forsythoside B (3), verbascoside (=acteoside) (4), leucosceptoside A (5) and martynoside (6) along with an iridoid glucoside, lamiide (7). The structure elucidation of the isolated compounds was carried out by spectroscopic (UV, IR, 1D- and 2D-NMR) methods. The isolation of neolignan glucoside dehyrodiconiferyl alcohol-4-O-\beta -D-glucopyranoside (1) is reported for the first time from a Phlomis species as well as for the family Lamiaceae.
Phlomis integrifolia, Lamiaceae, Neolignans, Phenylethanoids, Flavonoids, Iridoids
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SARACOĞLU, İCLAL; VAREL, MEHTAP; ÇALIŞ, İHSAN; and DÖNMEZ, ALİ ARSLAN (2003) "Neolignan, Flavonoid, Phenylethanoid and Iridoid Glycosides from Phlomis integrifolia," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 27: No. 6, Article 10. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol27/iss6/10