Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Two bisabolane type sesquiterpene phenols, (+)-curcuphenol (1) and (+)-curcudiol (2), were isolated from a Philippine marine sponge, Didiscus sp., in addition to \beta -sitosterol (3) and phenethylamine (4). The structures of the metabolites were established on the basis of spectral evidence (1D- and 2D NMR, [\alpha]_{D}, EIMS). (+)-Curcuphenol (1) showed cytotoxicity, which is indicative of a p53 independent mechanism.
Marine sponge, Didiscus, (+)-curcuphenol, (+)-curcudiol, \beta -sitosterol, phenethylamine, HCT-116
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TAŞDEMİR, DENİZ; BUGNI, TIMOTHY S.; MANGALINDAN, GINA C.; CONCEPCION, GISELA P.; HARPER, MARY KAY; and IRELAND, CHRIS M. (2003) "Bisabolane Type Sesquiterpenes from a Marine Didiscus Sponge," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 27: No. 2, Article 16. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol27/iss2/16