Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The paper presents a vapour liquid equilibria study in binary mixtures of n-alkanes with high dimensional asymmetry. Each mixture contains ethane and alkanes higher than eicosane. Calculations were done using two equations of state, Peng-Robinson (PR) and Soave (SRK), in combination with van der Waals mixing rules, corrected with two interaction parameters. A limited temperature dependence of the interaction parameters was found. The correlations between the interaction parameters and the number of carbon atoms of the higher n-alkane led to equations valid for systems ethane + C_{3} up to C_{44}. The results of the prediction calculations were good, both with PR and SRK.
Vapour liquid equilibrium, Interaction parameters, Asymmetric mixtures
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DUTA, ANCA and GEANA, DAN (2002) "Vapour Liquid Equilibrium in Asymmetric Mixtures of n-Alkanes with Ethane," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 26: No. 4, Article 4. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol26/iss4/4