Turkish Journal of Chemistry
A new method for determining ternary mixtures of vitamin B_{1}, B_{6} and B_{12} using second derivative spectrophotometry is described. The procedure is accurate, nondestructive and does not require any separation step or the solving of equations. Calibration graphs were linear up to 20 \mu gml^{-1} of vitamin B_{1} at 228.9 nm (r=0.9999), vitamin B_{6} at 309.6 nm (r=0.9999) and vitamin B_{12} at 361.7 nm (r=0.9998). The method was successfully applied for analyzing synthetic mixtures and commercial pharmaceutical preparations.
Derivative spectrophotometry, Vitamins, B_{1}, B_{6}, B_{12}.
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ÖZGÜR, MAHMURE ÜSTÜN and KOYUNCU, İKBAL (2002) "Determination of Ternary Mixtures of Vitamins (B_{1}, B_{6}, B_{12}) by Zero-Crossing Derivative Spectrophotometry," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 26: No. 3, Article 12. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol26/iss3/12