Turkish Journal of Chemistry
From the aerial parts of Phlomis sieheana, an iridoid glucoside, ipolamiide (1), six phenylethanoid glycosides, acteoside (= verbascoside) (2), cis-acteoside (3), \beta-hydroxyacteoside (4), leucosceptoside A (5), martynoside (6), forsythoside B (7), and a monoterpene glycoside, betulalbuside A (8) were isolated and characterized. The structure elucidations of the isolated compounds were established on the basis of spectroscopic evidence.
Phlomis sieheana, Lamiaceae, iridoid glucoside, ipolamiide, phenylethanoid glycosides, acteoside, cis-acteoside, \beta-hydroxyacteoside, leucosceptoside A, martynoside, forsythoside B, monoterpene glycoside, betulalbuside A.
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ERSÖZ, TAYFUN; HARPUT, Ü. ŞEBNEM; ÇALIŞ, İHSAN; and DÖNMEZ, ALİ ARSLAN (2002) "Iridoid, Phenylethanoid and Monoterpene Glycosides from Phlomis sieheana," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 26: No. 1, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol26/iss1/1