Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The sorption of NaCl and CaCl_2 and monovalent-divalent cation salt mixtures on the polysulfone and polysulfone with polyester support cation exchange membranes were investigated. The sorption of monovalent-divalent cation salt mixtures in contact with NaCl+CaCl_2 salt mixtures were studied at a total concentration of 0.05 M. The obtained results for polysulfone type membranes were compared with Neosepta CL-25T and CM2 cation exchange membranes.
Sorption, charged membranes, permselectivity, ion-exchange isotherm
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ERSÖZ, MUSTAFA; GÜĞÜL, İLKAY HİLAL; ÇİMEN, AYSEL; LEYLEK, BETÜL; and YILDIZ, SALİH (2001) "The Sorption of Metals on the Polysulfone Cation Exchange Membranes," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 25: No. 1, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol25/iss1/5