Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The current-potential values were measured with iron or aluminium electrodes in solutions of 3.5% NaCl containing 30, 150, 300 ppm linear alkylbenzene (LAB) and detergents (LAS) at pH8. Polarization resistances (Rp) were determined using the values of current and potentials. The corrosion rates of iron and aluminium were determined in 2 and 4 hour intervals using the Mansfeld-Oldham equation based on the Stern-Geary and Butler-Volmer equations.
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ZOR, SİBEL; YAZICI, B.; and ERBİL, M. (1999) "The Effects of Detergent Pollution on the Corrosion of Iron and Aluminium," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 23: No. 4, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol23/iss4/6