Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Some commonly available marine algae have been collected from the Karachi coast of Arabian Sea for the search of new chemical constituents having biological importance. The structures of purified samples have been elucidated with the aid of modern spectroscopic techniques. Among the known constituents a new metabolite (1) has been isolated from the brown alga Iyengaria stellata.
Stellatol; Iyengaria stellata; Marime brown alga; Arabian Sea.
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ALI, MUHAMMAD SHAIQ; AHMAD, VIQAR UDDIN; MAHZAR, FARAH; AZHAR, IQBAL; and USMANGHANI, KHAN (1999) "Some Chemical Constituents from Marine Algae of Karachi Coast (Arabian Sea)," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 23: No. 2, Article 9. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol23/iss2/9