Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The chlorine uptake of two Turkish lignites during chlorinolysis with chlorine gas in water and water-carbon tetrachloride media at ambient pressure (\cong 610 mmHg) was examined. The effects of speed of stirring (5-20s^{-1}), particle size (74-88, 150-180 and 250-425 \mu m), temperature (13-70°C) and chlorination time (0-18000 s) were studied. It is shown that the amount of chlorine uptake of both coals increased with decreasing particle size and increasing temperature.
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KARACA, SEMRA; KADIOĞLU, YÜCEL YAŞAR; BAYRAKÇEKEN, SAMİH; and GÜLABOĞLU, M. ŞAHİN (1999) "Chlorination of Two Turkish Lignites in Water and Water-Carbon tetrachloride Media," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 23: No. 2, Article 15. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol23/iss2/15