Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Critical micelle concentrations and dissociation constants for chromium soaps (myristate, palmitate and stearate) in a mixture of benzene and dimethyl formamide (7:3, vol/vol) were determined by means of conductivity measurements. These soaps behave as simple moderate electrolytes in dilute solutions. Critical micelle concentrations and dissociation constants decreased with increasing numbers of carbon atoms in the soap molecules. Thermodynamic parameters such as heat of dissociation, \DeltaH_d, change in free energy, \DeltaG_d, and entropy, \DeltaS_d, per mole for the dissociation process were also evaluated.
chromium soaps, conductivity, critical micellar concentration, dissociation constant, thermodynamics.
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TOPALLAR, HÜSEYİN and BAYRAK, YÜKSEL (1999) "Thermodynamics of the Dissociation of Chromium Soap Solutions in Benzene-Dimethyl Formamide," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 23: No. 1, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol23/iss1/6