Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The effect of acetone on the dynamic viscosity of sunflower-seed oil was studied under a dynamic heating regime at temeparuters ranging from 25^oC to 50^oC at 5^oC intervals. Acetone dramatically reduced the viscosity of sunflower-seed oil. The reduction of viscosity was far less with further addition of acetone. A linear relationship was found between the density of sunflower-seed oil and temperature. The influence of a solvent on the density of the sunflower-seed oil/acetone solution can be accounted for by the mixing theory of ideal solutions, whereas the effect of temperature on the dynamic viscosity of the oil solution is best described by a modified Arrhenius equation.
Acetone/oil solution, density, modelling, sunflower-seed oil, temperature effect, viscosity.
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TOPALLAR, Hüseyin and BAYRAK, Yüksel (1998) "The Effectof Temperature on the Dynmaic Viscosity of Acetone Sunflower-Seed Oil Mixtures," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 22: No. 4, Article 7. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol22/iss4/7