Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Dielectric constant and loss have been measured at low and high frequencies for several poly(1-olefin sulfones) as well as for the polysulfones of allybenzene and allyl cyclopentane. The low-frequency dispersion in allylbenzene due to helical sequences is weaker in benzene than in dioxane, and in both solvents is much lower than for the 1-olefin polymers. Solvent effects on the high frequency process are also reported, but yield no simple uniform picture.
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BAYSAL, B.; ERBİL, Candan; MORGANELLI, Paul L.; and STOCKMAYER, W. H. (1997) "Dielectric Studies of Various Olefin/SO2 Copolmers," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 21: No. 4, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol21/iss4/2