
Turkish Journal of Biology


Background/aim: The growing interest in essential oils clearly indicates the power of nature and aligns with our increasing need to findtherapeutic solutions in the natural world. This study aimed to investigate the inhibitory effects of the essential oils of Mentha × piperitaand Salvia rosmarinus, harvested from the Laghouat region of Algeria, against Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) and pancreatic lipasethrough both in vitro and in silico studies.Materials and methods: Essential oils were extracted via hydrodistillation and analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometryand spectrophotometry. Their antilipase activities were assessed using an inhibition assay, and molecular docking was performed withAutoDock Vina to explore interactions between essential oil compounds and lipase enzymes.Results: Spectrophotometric analysis demonstrated significant inhibitory activity for each essential oil against CRL lipase, with IC50values of 0.56 ± 0.005 and 0.69 ± 0.008 mg/mL for peppermint and rosemary oils, respectively. These results were satisfactory incomparison to those achieved with orlistat. Molecular docking studies revealed the mechanisms of major compounds in each essential oil,demonstrating that these compounds inhibited CRL (PDB ID: 1CRL) and pancreatic lipase (PDB ID: 1LPB) with repeated hydrophobicinteractions. The interactions were observed to be consistent with His449, Gly123, Gly124, Phe344, and Ser152 for many molecules.Conclusion: This study highlights opportunities for essential oils and their bioactive components to be utilized as adjuvants in themanagement of obesity and other lipase-related disorders.

Author ORCID Identifier

KHADIDJA BENGANA: 0009-0008-0940-9925

TALIA SERSEG: 0000-0001-5197-1024

KHEDIDJA BENAROUS: 0000-0001-9112-6730

ARİF MERMER: 0000-0002-4789-7180

YAKUP ŞİRİN: 0000-0002-9769-9406

ALAEDDINE KAOUKA: 0000-0002-1118-7603




Essential oil, lipase, molecular docking, peppermint, obesity, rosemary

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