
Turkish Journal of Biology


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common complex neurodegenerative disease, and aerobic exercise (EX) has potential to improve motor dysfunction. This study aimed to explore whether EX acts on PD in mice mode. Mice were administered 1-methyl-4-phenyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and subjected to a 4-week physical exercise regimen (EX-PD group) and underwent RNA-Seq. Here, MPTP caused PD, which was characterized by neuron shrinkage and behavioral deficits, whereas EX improved PD by rescuing neuronal survival and motor function in mice. Moreover, circRNA expression profiles identified a total of 142 differentially expressed circRNAs (DEcircRNAs) between PD and EX-PD group. These DEcircRNAs were mainly involved in PD, dopaminergic synapses, and calcium signaling pathways. The expression of circZfp827 and circTshz2 were significantly elevated in PD group while reduced owing to EX intervention. In contrast, EX intervention significantly restored decline in circHivep2 expression due to PD. The circRNA-miRNAmRNA network suggested that circZfp827, circHivep2, and circTshz2 were involved in ceRNA mechanism of EX to improve PD, and their target genes were significantly decreased after interference. The directly binding regulation relationship of circTshz2-mmu-miR- 326-3p-Th was verified by double luciferase reporter assay. Our research revealed that EX improved motor behavioral deficits and pathological features of PD mice, and circRNA-based signatures are potential candidates for further assessment as PD biomarkers for improvement by EX.




Parkinson's disease, aerobic exercise, behavioral deficits, circZfp827, circHivep2, circTshz2

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