
Turkish Journal of Biology


This study describes the interesting potential of ram horns to be used as a supplement for glycerol production in batch fermentation. The use of ram horn hydrolysate (RHH) as a supplement for glycerol production was investigated using baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For this purpose, RHH was first produced. The production and chemical composition of the RHH was as described in our previous study. The effects of different concentrations (1 to 10% v/v) of RHH on the production of glycerol were investigated, and 8% RHH was found to be optimal. The content of glycerol in the culture broth containing RHH (6.3 g l-^1) was similar to that in the control culture broth (6.4 g l-^1). As a result, RHH was found to be suitable as a supplement for glycerol production.




gricultural waste, Fermentation, Glycerol, Ram horn, Yeast

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