Turkish Journal of Biology
The mutagenic effects of 2, 4, 5 tri-phenylimidazole and its nine different derivatives, which are aimed at producing medicine as a primary substance, were investigated by the Ames Salmonella/Microsome plate assay. The test compounds were directly effective, especially in the TA 98 strain. A relationship was found between the mutagenic effect and the positions of the methyl and methoxy groups.
Imidazole, 2, 4, 5 triphenyl imidazole, mutagenic activity, Ames/Salmonella/Microsome.
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MERCANGÖZ, AYŞE and TÜYLÜ, BERRİN AYAZ (2000) "Detection of Mutagenic Effects of 2, 4, 5 Tri (Sübstitüe) Phenyl Imidazole and Its Derivatives in Ames/Salmonella/Test System," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 24: No. 1, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol24/iss1/5