
Turkish Journal of Biology




In this study, the soybean, sorghum, peanut and wheat straw were used as culture media for Pleurotus florida. The shortest period for mycelium growth on soybean straw was 10.8 days; basidiocarp formation period, the first, second and third harvesting periods were determined as; 28.2, 33.6, 47.2 and 63.8, days respectively as the shortes periods found with peonut straw; 23.2, 59.5, 63.5, 75.2 and 94.0 days respectively, as the longest periods found with sorghum straw. The fresh mushroom yield obtained with 100 g material (70 % moisture) at first, second, third harvesting periods and total yield was 11.2, 7.7, 4.8 and 23.7 respectively, as the highest values found with peanut straw; 5.0, 3.2, 3.1 and 11.3 g respectively as the lowest values found with sorghum straw.


Pleurotus florida, Cultivation, Growth, Productivity

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