
Turkish Journal of Biology

Effects of Ketamin on Zinc-Induced Electrocorticographic Hypersynchrony in Rabbits


Hayri GENÇ


Experiments were performed on rabbits under deep anesthesia (1.25 gr/kg I.P. urethane). A hole was opened in the skull above the left somatomotor cortex. Neuronal hyperactivity was induced with an intracortical injection of zinc sulphate (500 µgr/kg) into the left prefrontal cortex. A similar quantity of saline (0.9%) was injected into the same cortical area in the aminals of the control group. Ketamine (100 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally 30 minutes before the injection of zinc sulphate into the study group. The electrocorticogram (ECoG) was taken from the animals, which were placed in a stereotactic device, using Ag-AgCl electrodes a Hacked to the pia and dura mater. Epileptiform activity was produced by the zinc sulphate but this was blocked by the injection (I.P.) of which had been given earlier. It was concluded that the induced exitotoxicity could be inhibited by the antiepileptic effect of ketamine on NMDA receptors, reducing hyperactivity or preventing Ca++ diffusion.




Rabbit, electrocorticogram, zinc, ketamine

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