
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences

Author ORCID Identifier

HASAN ARMAĞAN UYSAL: 0000-0002-4867-304X

DUYGU HÜNERLİ: 0000-0003-0278-258X

RAİF ÇAKMUR: 0000-0002-0194-7779

BERİL DÖNMEZ ÇOLAKOĞLU: 0000-0002-5143-236X

EMEL ADA: 0000-0002-0463-0945

GÖRSEV YENER: 0000-0002-7756-4387




Background/aim: In this study, besides the evaluation of gray and white matter changes in cognitively normal Parkinson’s disease (PD-CN) patients with volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameters, it was tried to show that some neuropsychological tests may be impaired in PD-CN patients.Materials and methods: Twenty-six PD-CN patients and 26 healthy elderly (HC) participants were included in the current study. Global cognitive status was assessed using the mini-mental state examination (MMSE), and the Montreal cognitive assessment scale (MoCA). Attention and executive functions were evaluated using the Wechsler memory scale-revised (WMS-R) digit span test and trail making test (TMT) part A and part B, the Stroop test, semantic and phonemic fluency tests, and clock drawing test. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was acquired according to the Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) protocol.Results: There were no significant differences among groups regarding age, sex, handedness, and years of education. In the comparison of the PD-CN group and the HC group, there was a statistical decrease in the total animal scores, lexical fluency, TMT part A and TMT part B scores in the PD-CN group. Subcortical gray matter volumes (GMV) were significantly lower in PD-CN patients. The PD-CN group had a significantly reduced total volume of right putamen and left angular gyrus compared to that in the HC group. We observed that putamen and angular gyrus volumes were lower in PD-CN patients. On the other hand, TMT part B may be a useful pretest in detecting the conversion of mild cognitive impairment in PD.Conclusion: Significant MRI volumetric measurements and neuropsychological test batteries can be helpful in the clinical follow-up in PD-CN patients.


cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, trail making test, volumetric MRI, Wechsler memory scale-revised

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