Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Optimum Setting of PID Parameters Via Hybrid Global Optimization Method in Speed Control of an Induction Machine
There are two aspects to this study. Firstly, a new global method is introduced which is developed by combining the two well-known global search methods, namely Controlled Random Seacrh (CRS) and Global Search Using Brownian Motion. Next, this new method, which has exploited the special advantages of the two above mentioned methods, has been applied to the design of speed control of an induction machine. The design has been done for PID controller structure and the results are compared with the ones obtained by application of classical Zeigler-Nichol's method. It has been observed that the methodology has its own advantages and merits.
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Eksin, İbrahim; Gökasan, Metin; and Demiröz, M. Ata (1995) "Optimum Setting of PID Parameters Via Hybrid Global Optimization Method in Speed Control of an Induction Machine," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences: Vol. 3: No. 2, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/elektrik/vol3/iss2/3