
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


A continuous time enhanced bandwidth disturbance observer based control (DOBC) scheme is proposed in this paper. The classical Q -filter is implemented in feedback form and a signum function is inserted into the loop. The loop with this modification becomes capable of detecting small magnitude matched disturbances and we present an in depth discussion of the stability and performance issues comparatively. The proposed approach is called S-filter approach and the results outperform the classical approach under certain conditions. The contribution of the current paper is to advance the subject area to nonlinear filters for DOBC loops with guaranteed stability and performance. A specific case containing a signum function is elaborated throughout the paper and the obtained energy of the disturbance prediction error is shown to be smaller than the Q -filter based counterpart.




Disturbance observer, robust control, modified disturbance observer, enhanced bandwidth disturbance observer based control (DOBC), S-filter

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