
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Recently, the hysteresis motors have a special significance in the nuclear industries. This is because these motors have some advantages such as low noise, high mechanical strength and group feeding ability. They also have some disadvantages that make some limitations for related industries. These disadvantages include low synchronization torque, low power factor, low efficiency, and hunting. One solution to reduce these disadvantages is to combine the hysteresis motor with the PM motor. This however requires a correct and flexible design procedure as well as an appropriate choice of the machine structure. Accordingly, this paper aims to present a new design algorithm for a disc-type permanent magnet hysteresis synchronous (PMHS) hybrid motor. The proposed design algorithm not only tries to retain the positive features of the both motors in the resulted hybrid motor, but it also gives the user the option of determining the percentage of the combination of the two motors. In other words, the user can determine the contribution of each motor to the output power of the resulted motor. The proposed algorithm is finally validated through fabricating a prototype disc-type PMHS motor and evaluating its performance by simulation and experiment.




PMHS motor, hysteresis motor, PM motor, design algorithm

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