
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Accurately acquiring and analyzing the dynamic radar cross-section (RCS) of wind turbine have a great significance to solve the reradiation interference between wind farms and radar stations. Since the results of high-frequency approximation algorithm are only applicable to the qualitative analysis of electromagnetic scattering, it is almost impossible to accurately acquire the dynamic RCS of wind turbine in actual engineering cases. To this end, we proposed to acquire the dynamic RCS of wind turbine based on the scaled model experimental measurement in a large anechoic chamber. The key techniques of setting up the scaled model as well as the experimental platform were described based on the principle of electromagnetic similarity. The accuracy of experimental result is verified by the comparison with numerical calculation and full-sized experiment reported in literature. By using the control variable method, we were able to measure and analyze the amplitude and phase variation of dynamic RCS with frequency, azimuth, and rotational speed, and achieved the transformation of RCS data into engineering practice. This not only lays a foundation for solving the reradiation interference between wind farms and radar stations, but also provides data support for subsequent theoretical research.




Reradiation interference, wind turbine scaled model, dynamic radar cross-section, experimental measurement

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