
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Sealing in aseptic packages, one of the healthiest and cheapest technologies to protect food from parasites in the liquid food industry, requires a detailed and careful control process. Since the controls are made manually and visually by expert machine operators, the human factor can lead to the failure to detect defects, resulting in high cost and food safety risks. Therefore, this study aims to perform a leak test in aseptic package seals by a system that makes decisions using independent deep learning methods. The proposed Faster R-CNN and the Updated Faster R-CNN deep learning models were subjected to training and testing with a total of 400 images taken from a real production environment, resulting in a correct classification rate of 99.25 %. As a result, it can be said that the study is the second study that performs a computer-aided quality control process with promising results, having distinctive features such as being the first study that conducts analysis using the deep learning method.




Multilayer aseptic packages, seal, Faster R-CNN

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