Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
In photographs captured in outdoor environments, particles in the air cause light attenuation and degrade image quality. This effect is especially obvious in hazy environments. In this study, a fuzzy theory is proposed to estimate the transmission map of a single image. To overcome the problem of oversaturation in dehazed images, a quadratic-function-based method is proposed to refine the transmission map. In addition, the color vector of the atmospheric light is estimated using the top 1\% of the brightest light area. Finally, the dehazed image is reconstructed using the transmission map and the estimated atmospheric light. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid method performs better than the other existing methods in terms of color oversaturation, visibility, and quantitative evaluation.
Dehazing, transmission map, fuzzy theory, quadratic function, image restoration
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Jhang, Jyun-Yu; LIN, Chengjian; Young, Kuu-Young; and Lin, Chin-Teng
"A hybrid of fuzzy theory and quadratic function for estimating and refining transmission map,"
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences: Vol. 27:
5, Article 37.
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