
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In this work, a watermarking framework to authenticate and protect the copyright that prevents the visualization of nonauthorized anaglyph images is proposed. Designed scheme embeds a binary watermark and the Blue channel of the anaglyph image into the discrete cosine transform domain of the original image. The proposed method applies the quantization index modulation-dither modulation algorithm and a combination of Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem with repetition codes, which permit to increase the capability in recovering the watermark. Additionally, Hash algorithm is used to scramble the component where the watermark should be embedding, guaranteeing a higher security performance of the scheme. This new technique prevents the visualization of 3D content to unauthorized users. Additionally, its high robustness against the most common image processing attacks, such as JPEG compression, impulsive and Gaussian noises, etc. has been demonstrated in this study.




Invisible watermark, anaglyph, authentication, copyright protection, blind extraction, discrete cosine transform, quantization index modulation-dither modulation, Bose-Chaudhur-Hocquenghem

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