
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


This study aims to elucidate the production mechanism of cytokine-like formations secreted from T cells and similar cells by electromagnetic modeling techniques. Three Hertz dipole antennas polarized in arbitrary directions were placed without touching each other at the center of spherical T-cell models to test the Canbay hypothesis about the formation mechanism of cytokines (CHAFMOC) on T-cell surfaces. A dielectrophoretic force field was created within the gelatin layer of the T-cell model. The prepared control and electromagnetically stimulated T-cell model samples were incubated in water in a glass container in a Faraday cage for the specified period and then photographed. At the end of the experiments, cytokine-like formations were observed in the samples, depending on their contents. The results of these experiments, carried out in accordance with the CHAFMOC, show that a dielectrophoretic force is the main cause of the cytokine formation and secretion mechanism in the outer layers of rough T-cell models. Given these results, new approaches and developments may be expected to better our understanding of the immune system in the subjects of cell science, pharmacology, and bioengineering.




Cytokine, T cell, dielectrophoretic force, Hertz dipole, immune system

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