
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Electric power transmission and transmission pricing are the key issues in the deregulated electric power industry. Factors like fast power demand growth, competition, service outage, and scarce natural resources make transmission systems operate close to their thermal limits. However, new transmission systems cannot be built in due to economic, environmental, and political reasons. For better utilization of existing power system capacities, the power electronic technology-based power system equipment called flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices like thyristor-controlled series compensators (TCSCs) can be effectively used for operating the transmission grid economically, rapidly, dynamically, and efficiently with increased flexibility and efficiency under different loading conditions. TCSCs, being costly devices, may adversely affect some deregulated power market participants. This paper proposes a unit commitment algorithm for the minimization of power losses and determination of optimal location for TCSC placement. The impact of the TCSC in conjunction with the application of the proposed algorithm on the generation cost and wheeling cost is analyzed using a power flow-based line-by-line rolled-in transmission pricing scheme. The comparison between the annual generation costs and annual wheeling costs with and without the TCSC is carried out under different load conditions in the IEEE 30-bus system. Results and simulations validate the economy of the suitable TCSC's optimal presence over its absence.




Deregulation, wheeling, power tracing, unit commitment, thyristor-controlled series compensator

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