
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Generally, rotor mass unbalance is one of the most probable causes of the majority of degradations suffered by electric drives in an industrial environment (current pumping, rolling problem, misalignment, etc.), especially those with high power and variable speed. This document is an experimental contribution to the reliable detection of mass unbalance and changes in its severity if, by necessity of service, the system is subjected to a speed variation. The implementation of the technical orbits Park, strengthened by the application of the Fourier transforms (FFT, STFT) to the Park vector of the stator current allowed the identification of the unbalance defect at low frequency. The sequence of current analytical approaches favors the convergence towards an unambiguous reading of the mass unbalance defect. A comparative table has been drawn up in order to observe the evolution of the gravity of this mechanical defect in the case of a speed variation of the induction motor. The results obtained by this multifaceted approach are very satisfying and can contribute to a self-diagnostic with the assistance of a decision-making technique.




Induction motors, current stator, fault detection, Fourier transforms, orbits

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