
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In order to achieve better control performance within the facility environment, this paper proposes a distributed model predictive control method, aiming at increasing the control precision of actuators, reducing energy consumption and equipment loss at the same time. Regarding optimizing this facility environment model, it could be treated as a multiobjective optimization problem. Referring to the cooperative game theory, each objective is regarded as a gamer. Each gamer considers both its own interests and other gamers' interests to achieve a balanced result when cooperation is achieved. The simulation experiments illustrate that the proposed control method is able to adjust the parameters of the facility environment to a preset interval properly. Moreover, in this specific simulation environment, the proposed method achieves better performances than the single objective control method and traditional linear weighted multiobjective control method in most of the evaluation criteria.




Facility environment, multiobjective control, distributed model predictive control, cooperative game

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