
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In this paper, we present a video application example and its implementation in a reconfigurable system-on-chip (SOC) platform. The proposed platform employs the benefits of field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology. A prototype based on a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA is developed. The application includes a video shot boundary detection module based on the local histogram (LH) technique. Diverse hardware module versions corresponding to different quantization levels and architectural solutions for an LH-based shot detection system are presented. The developed modules have different hardware resource occupations and can be used in a dynamic way to allow flexible management of the target hardware system. They also show high execution time efficiency and can reach an important bandwidth that can support the most recent high-resolution video formats with a high rate of frames per second. A complete SOC-based demonstration for video summarization based on the LH is also developed. It includes the LH extraction, shot boundary detection, and key frame visualization.




Hardware implementation, field programmable gate array, system on chip, partial dynamic reconfiguration, real time, local histogram, shot boundary detection, video summarization

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