
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


This paper introduces an optimal control strategy of model-based predictive control (MPC) based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) for a sensorless vector control induction motor, which is used in a fuel cell electric vehicle drive system. The proposed MPC-MOPSO algorithm is implemented to tune the weighting parameters of the MPC controller to tackle all the conflicting objective functions. The paper handles the following fitness functions: minimizing the speed error, minimizing the torque ripple, minimizing the DC-link voltage ripple, and minimizing machine flux ripple. Computer simulations studies have been completed utilizing MATLAB/Simulink with a specific end goal of assessing the dynamic performance of the proposed MPC-MOPSO optimal controller and comparing it with single-objective particle swarm optimization and traditional PI controllers. The simulation results demonstrate the good dynamic response of the proposed MPC-MOPSO optimal tuning strategy over the traditional PI controllers for more accurate tracking performance through the whole speed range, especially at starting conditions and load change disturbances.




Electric vehicle, fuel cell, sensorless vector control, multiobjective particle swarm optimization, model-based predictive control

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