
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


The importance of energy-efficient power generation that effectively utilizes the available fossil fuels is increasing due to the gradual decline in fossil fuel reserves. Furthermore, concern about global warming has led to rapid growth in renewable energy and energy storage technologies. This trend is encouraging power utilities to effectively exploit the use of renewable energy resources (RESs) and energy storage facilities (ESFs) for power supply systems. In this regards, trigeneration in the presence of RESs and ESFs can play an important role for efficient and clean power dispatch. This paper discusses the optimum power dispatch using a hybrid power plant consisting of trigeneration-based thermal plants, RES-based plants, and energy storage facilities. Mathematical modeling of such a dispatch problem is formulated and the analysis is carried out using MATLAB simulations. Results show that considerable reduction in fuel utilization and pollutants emission can be achieved using such hybrid plants by using the optimum power dispatch proposed here.




Energy storage, optimization, pollutants emission, power dispatch, renewable energy, renewable penetration level, trigeneration

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