
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Efficient decision making in vertical handoff and network selection algorithms improves users' quality of service and helps users meet service requirements, anywhere and at any time. Hence, in this paper, a user-centric network selection algorithm is proposed, utilizing the estimated reputation of the available candidate networks based on user location and combined experienced users' utility. User utility is defined based on 1) quality of service, 2) monetary cost, and 3) energy consumption metrics. In the proposed history aware-based user location algorithm, the past experience of users for available networks is considered to estimate the future utility that a user can obtain from a candidate network. The reputation factor for networks is used based on knowledge of users from each other while receiving service. Simulation results indicate that the average obtained utility by users is improved and handoff criteria, i.e. handoff number and failed and unnecessary handoffs, decrease. It can be seen that users choose networks with good past operations and this can encourage operators to provide good quality services for increasing their revenue.




Reputation, network selection, performance, user-centric

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